GLOA Quizzes: Rules 1-7

Once again, the GLOA will be posting resources to help members prepare for the required GHSA rules exam which will be available online via Dragonfly January 26 – February 5, 2024.

All adult GLOA officials must take the GHSA exam.

Adult officials who do not complete will be only able to work youth games and required to be a USA Lacrosse member and complete all certification requirements.

Youth officials and adults working ONLY youth games must complete the USA Lacrosse Boys High School and Youth tests.  See here for details.

2025 NFHS Boys Lacrosse Rules Quizzes

All GLOA members should have receives their rule book at training. If you have not, contact Clyde Allen at [email protected].

You are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to use your Rule Book as you take these quizzes.

Once the 2025 Rules memo is released we will post it here.

Quiz #1: Rule 1: The Game Field and Equipment

Quiz 2: Rule 2 and 3: Game Personnel and Time Factors

Quiz #3: Rule 4: Play of the Game

Quiz #4: Rule 4: Play of the Game: Faceoffs & Substitutions

Quiz #5: Rule 4: Play of the Game: Crease & Goal

Quiz #6: Rule 5 & 6: Personal and Technical Fouls

Quix #7: Rule 7: Penalty Enforcement

If there are any issues with the questions or you would like a clearer explanation, please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected].