Assignor Update: Fall Ball

arbiterGLOA plans to assign between 250 to 275 games this Fall. Games are usually are played on Saturday and Sunday, officials usually get 2-4 assignments, based on the league schedule and our official’s availability. Games usually start the week after labor day or the week after that (September 7th or 14th) and games will go into November. Rates range from $ 45 to $ 55 per game. See below for more information.

Update Arbiter

Currently 72 out of 150 officials are marked as “ready in arbiter. If you plan to work games this fall, you must log in and mark yourself READY. In addition, please update your availability (blocks) on your calendar and make sure that all of your contact information is correct (cell phone, travel limits, etc).

There is a possibility of a tournament the weekend of October 26-27, so please be sure to check your availability.


The Fall Rules are posted on the GLOA’s Arbiter home page.


The fall uniform is our White Hats and Green Shirts (Summer & Fall Uniform), if you need a shirt let me know (include size). Once it gets colder outside you can wear what you would usually wear under your Spring uniform (a black LS shirt) under your Green shirt.  Contact Greg Hite ([email protected]) if you need a new hat or a shirt.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].