Game Fees & Dues

The GLOA assigns GHSA varsity and junior varsity boys lacrosse games in the Spring. In addition, we assign numerous middle school and youth leagues as well as high school and youth tournaments in the fall, spring and summer.

GLOA officials are paid at the end of the fall and spring season for games worked after GLOA receives payment from the schools/leagues. Spring Payment general go out first week of June. Fall Payment general go out within the first two weeks of December. Summer and fall tournaments are paid out after the GLOA receives payment from each tournament; general go out 2 to 4 weeks after the tournament is completed.

It is imperative that if your address changes from the last time you received a payment form GLOA that you contact the treasurer with your new address, but please do so via email. It is important that we keep a record of all correspondence.

Game Fees

Beginning with the 2024-5 season, lacrosse officials will see an increase for varsity and JV contests. Playoff games will increase $20 for the first three rounds and $25 for semi final and championship games. In addition, travel fees were increased; a $5 increase for one official and a $4 increase for two and three officials.

Since 2005 GHSA lacrosse game fees have increased 39% for varsity, 20% for junior varsity and 79% for playoff fees. The increases has kept GHSA compensation in line with national trends. To put the new fees in perspective, the national average lacrosse officials fee for varsity contests in 2017-18 was $80.50, while the high was $120 and the low an astounding $41.

Level GHSA Rates Net Pay (minus fees)
GHSA Varsity  

Crew of 3: $88.00/Official

Crew of 2: $98.00/Official


Crew of 3: $86.00/Official

Crew of 2: $92.00/Official

GHSA JV $75.00 $69.00
GHSA Playoff Rounds 1-3 $115

Semis & Finals $140

Rounds 1-3 $109

Semis & Finals $134

Summer Tournament $50 to $60 $45 to 55
Middle School (Running Clock) $50 $45
Middle School (Stop Clock) $60 $55

* Each GHSA game worked has a $1.00 GLOA Administration Fee, $2.50 Assignor’s Fee and $2.50 Treasurer’s Fee assessed totalling $6 per GHSA.  We do not assess a GLOA Administration Fee on non-GHSA games.

Annual Dues:

All adult officials pay dues and GHSA fees: $35 GHSA registration fee and $100 GLOA dues each year. The GHSA fees are paid via Dragonfly and GLOA dues are deducted from your check at the end of the spring season. These funds cover required GHSA registration, insurance coverage, cost for events (e.g. end of year banquet, meetings and clinics), training materials, Arbiter costs, website hosting and maintenance, certification cards, and coins for new and second year officials.

Youth Officials have some dues deducted based upon the number of games worked.