Video Resources

There are a number of fantastic resources available for new and veteran officials. US Lacrosse Officials Educations, Lacrosse Film Room and Lacrosse Fire TV are all great places to see video that can help you grow as an official. And Finally, find video of your games.  Many coaches now tape all of there games and most are more than willing to share.  If you do not feel comfortable asking, have your Referee or an assignor do it for you.  GLOA has a Krossover account, so any video you send to us we can upload to our account and give you easy access to. We can even provide feedback.

The US Lacrosse Officials Education Youtube Channel is a great place to start.  You will find videos on penalties, mechanics and game management techniques.


The Lacrosse Film Room Youtube Channel has clips of live game situations that can give newer officials a real sense of what coaches and players are trying to accomplish at specific moments of the game.



The Lacrosse Fire TV Youtube Channel has a number of Georgia area High School and Collegiate games available to watch.