Incident Reports deal with unusual situations such as protests, “intentional attempts to injure” or “fights” and illegally lined fields or unsafe playing condition. These reports must be received by the GHSA within 24 hours of the end of that contest.
The Referee should complete the game report using the online Incident Report Form form on the GLOA website.
It is imperative that we identify any issues with fields EARLY in the season!
It does not matter that you have been to that facility before and filled out a report.
Incident Reports from officials must be filed with the GHSA office ASAP for the following situations:
- Ejections – Be certain to cite the name, jersey number and school of the ejected player or the name and school of the ejected coach and specify the behavior involved in a brief, professional manner.
- All protest situations – be certain to indicate the time at which the formal protest was lodged and the rule application that was protested.
- Any pre-game or post-game problems involving players, coaches, and/or fans.
- Any problems related to field conditions e.g. no continuous midline or sidelines.
- Failure to provide adequate security for officials at the game site by host management.
- Any major injuries requiring extraordinary attention such as fights, issues with fans etc…
NOTE: It is not necessary to report sportsmanship violations that do not result in ejections.
Call Your Assignor ASAP
Please be sure to call your assignor IMMEDIATELY after the game as they will likely be called, texted and emailed by parents, fans, coaches and ADs. Be sure you give them a heads up and a rundown of what happened so that they can properly respond!
Game Report: Be Specific!
These should be factual narrative without editorial comments that thoroughly describes the actions involved.
When listing penalties use the language in the rules book (eg Direct Contact to Head & Neck, Crosscheck, or Targeting) and clarify how many minutes were assessed and whether it was releasable or non-releasable for each penalty.
Describe the incident that resulted in the foul being called.
John Doe #15 (High School Team) slid from across the crease and made direct contact to head of the opposing player from behind with force well after the ball had been shot and was more than five yards away.
Be sure to get the full and complete names of any persons involved; rather than write Blue #15, instead write John Doe, #15 for the Blue team.
These reports are sent to GHSA and passed along to the principal of the school involved along with a letter from the Executive Director of the GHSA. A copy is kept by the GHSA as well as the GLOA.
If you have questions, please call or email a board member or assignor.
Check out this video for more information: