Clear and Deliberate Communication

ed-hochuli-tx2As the GLOA’s Observation Program progresses this season, there is a common theme that many of the observers are noticing. Officials are “rushing” their calls, either on-field or when reporting penalties to the table.

The U.S. Lacrosse (and former GLOA official Gordon Corsetti) posted an excellent article that outlines this problem and some great tips on how to be more clear and deliberate with your communication.

A few other tips:

  • Let your partner know what you’ve got before you report a penalty to the table.
  • Come to the wing line, stop moving (plant your feet), and pause before you report a penalty to the table.
  • Use big, slow, deliberate signals.
  • Signals should be away from the body so that they don’t get lost.

Use the CNOTE mechanic (Color, Number, Offense, Time, Explanation) Point to the appropriate bench…arm fully extended.  Say, “White”…..”Two….Seven”…indicate appropriate numbers…..”Slash”…..make a big ‘slash’ signal…..”One minute”….indicate number.

A great video on reporting penalties is on the GLOA YouTube channel.